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The details and information contained on our website are based on sources that NORD/LB Luxembourg Covered Bond Bank considers to be reliable without having checked them itself. They are updated at irregular intervals. NORD/LB Luxembourg Covered Bond Bank assumes no liability or guarantee for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information. This also applies to all other websites that are referenced via hyperlinks. NORD/LB Luxembourg Covered Bond Bank is not responsible for the content of those websites.
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Before acquiring the securities described on this website (referred to below as "Securities"), you should read the respective bond prospectus relating to the issue variant and risks associated with the securities as updated by supplements and, in the case of base prospectuses, including the respective final conditions (together referred to as the "Prospectus"). The Prospectus is available from NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank, 7 rue Lou Hemmer, L-1748 Luxembourg-Findel. If you would like a copy, please let us know. Please note that from time to time NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank buys or sells securities, commodities, futures contracts or options for hedging and other purposes, or maintains positions in them, that are identical to the Securities or are connected to them. This may affect the value of the Securities. NORD/LB Luxembourg Covered Bond Bank may also be the calculation agent for base values and as such make determinations that affect the value of the securities. It is possible that NORD/LB Luxembourg S.A. Covered Bond Bank pays commission to a sales partner in connection with the sale of a security. Such commissions prejudice an investor's potential earnings. Please contact us for more information on commission payments.
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