Illustration: Cake with numbers


Income Statement (in € thousand) 01/01/ - 31/12/2023 01/01/ - 31/12/2022 Change
(in %)
Net interest income 68,511 75,379 -9
Net comission income -31,736 -38,750 -18
Result from fair value measurement -7,555 8,879 <-100
Impairment loss from financial instruments not recognized in profit or loss 2,649 -676 <-100
Modification result 303 0 -
Impairment loss from non-financial assets -5,398 0 -
Disposal result from financial instruments not measured at fair value through profit or loss 1,960 966 >100
Result from hedge accounting 817 -4,763 <-100
Foreign exchange results 12 542 -98
Administrative expenses -41,363 -26,611 55
Depreciation -4,374 -4,674 -6
Other operating profit/loss -14 -3,396 -100
Income taxes -364 6,818 <-100
Earnings after taxes -16,551 13,715 <-100


Key Economic Data
(in %)
31/12/2023 31/12/2022 Change
(in %)
Cost-Income-Ratio* (CIR) 104.0 72.8 43
RoRaC** -11.2 4.1 <-100


Balance figures (in € million) 31/12/2023 31/12/2022 Change
(in %)
Total assets 7,814.7 9,154.7 -15
Reported Equity 626.4 625.7 0


Regulatory Law Key Figures 31/12/2023 31/12/2022 Change
(in %)
Tier 1 capital (in € million) 603.7


Equity capital (in € million) 604.2 586.0 3
Common equity tier 1 ratio (in %) 40.0 31.6 27
Total capital ratio (in %) 40.0 31.7 26


* The cost-income ratio (CIR) was calculated by dividing administrative expenses, including depreciation and amortisation but not including provisions for reorganisation measures, by the sum of net interest income, net commission income, profit/loss from financial instruments measured at fair value, profit/loss from foreign exchange, profit/loss from hedge accounting, profit/loss on disposal of financial instruments not measured at fair value through profit or loss, impairment loss on non-financial assets and other operating profit/loss.

** The RoRaC (return on risk-adjusted capital) is a performance indicator adjusted for risk.

Total differences are rounding differences and may cause minor deviations in the calculation of percentages.