Motive: Hand, Buildings, Nature

Initiatives and guidelines

In implementing ESG in its business and decision-making processes, NORD/LB CBB is guided by the following initiatives and guidelines:

1. UN Global Compact

As a subsidiary of NORD/LB - a signatory of the UN Global Compact - NORD/LB CBB, as a company in the NORD/LB Group, is guided by its ten principles on human rights, labor and environmental protection, and anti-corruption to promote sustainable development. These principles are central to the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDG), which were defined by the UN in 2015 in Agenda 2030 as a world contract for a fairer and more sustainable future, and are intended to serve as a compass for meeting the challenges of the 21st century.


As a subsidiary of NORD/LB - a signatory to the UNEP FI declaration - NORD/LB CBB is aligned with the UNEP Finance Initiative and is thus committed to contribute to the sustainable development of the economy and society and to promote forward-looking environmental management. In its strategic work program, the UNEP FI focuses on the development of innovative approaches to issues related to finance and ESG and highlights, among other things, the complex of topics of climate change, investment, real estate, sustainability management, and reporting.

Corporate environmental management is a central element of ESG management. NORD/LB CBB is integrated into the environmental management of the NORD/LB Group and strives to constantly reduce its environmental impact while at the same time lowering its energy and resource costs. This strengthens NORD/LB CBB's position as an ecologically responsible company.

3 Diversity Charter

As a subsidiary of NORD/LB - a signatory to the Diversity Charter - NORD/LB CBB is guided by the principles for recognizing and valuing diversity in the company. The signatories of the Diversity Charter are to create a working environment that is free of prejudice. All employees should experience appreciation - regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or ideology, disability, age, sexual orientation, and identity - in a climate of acceptance and mutual trust.

4. Internal Group guidelines

In addition to the above-mentioned guidelines, there are other internal guidelines in the NORD/LB Group that are relevant to NORD/LB CBB and to which the bank is guided. The most important of these are the following guidelines:

  • Policy on Respect for Human Rights: This is a procedural description of how NORD/LB fulfills its due diligence obligations in the context of human rights. This human rights strategy also takes up the corresponding principles of the UN Global Compact and systematically considers human rights and labor standards in its business activities.
  • Code of Conduct: The Code of Conduct, which applies to the entire NORD/LB Group, lists the ethical values that are to be lived in the Group. These include, for example, mutual respect, transparency, avoidance of corruption and bribery, and the correct handling of customers and customer information.
  • Environmental guidelines: This is a procedural description of how the NORD/LB Group fulfills its due diligence obligations within the framework of operational environmental management. This environmental strategy also takes up the corresponding principles of the UN Global Compact and focuses on effective environmental protection.
  • Diversity Guideline: The guideline serves to transparently present the principles, goals, and measures for promoting and implementing diversity at NORD/LB. NORD/LB pursues an overarching, integrative goal approach in order to treat and promote the employees fairly and without prejudice - and to actively manage differences, cultural backgrounds, and practical experience for the success of the company.

The four guidelines listed can all be found on the homepage of the NORD/LB Group and thus transparently represent the Group's self-image and target image with regard to ESG.


Quellen / Verweise:

Homepage | UN Global Compact

United Nations Environment – Finance Initiative – Partnership between United Nations Environment and the global financial sector to promote sustainable finance (

Charta der Vielfalt - Für Diversity in der Arbeitswelt (